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Bekki Tomkins with the SME Greater London Enterprise Award 2022 for the Most Creative Femail-Owned Web Design Company 2022 gold badge

Winners of the SME News Awards:
Most Creative Female-Owned Web Design Company 2022

We’re thrilled to announce we’ve won the SME News Greater London Enterprise Award 2022 for Most Creative Female-Owned Web Design Company 2022

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Optimise your Website for Christmas banner

Small Business Britain: Optimise your Website for Christmas

Mark Tomkins, provides practical tips and guidance on common pre-and post-Christmas mistakes when it comes to small business websites. It’s all about planning!

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How to use headings for better accessibility example markup

Why headings and subheadings are vital to accessibility …and are not styling tools.

Headings and subheadings are a way to build up structure to a page but most websites don’t use them or do it badly. Here’s how to get it right.

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Council Budget Meeting

Council Precepts and Website Budgets

Budgeting in a councils precept for website WCAG compliance is now so important – here’s how to make sure you budget correctly.

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Parish Council website provider

Parish Council and Village Websites – they both must comply with WCAG 2.1AA and here’s why…

Parish council websites are often on shared space with village or community websites but this is now a problem. Unless the village site can meet WCAG1.2AA compliance, the council faces getting a new website of their own. We explain why.

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laptop screen with WCAG logo

Does your website accessibility solution use a plugin that can be turned on and off?

If so, you’ve still got an accessibility problem. In this article we will address the question of why using a plugin or widget will not meet your website accessibility requirements.

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WCAG 2.1 website compliance blog image

Website accessibility compliance for parish & town councils explained

WCAG2.1AA compliance for parish & town councils websites came into force Sept 2018 – this articles gives a plain English description of it along with help & tips to comply.

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Where is your website domain name and hosting?

Do you know where your website domain name and website hosting are? It’s really important to know and here’s why.

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Why has my website been hacked?

The common reasons why small business websites are hacked and what you can do to prevent it.

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Social media website images: measurements & guides 2019

A handy guide for the main social media websites – the measurements for their image areas, for desktop, tablet and mobile views

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Do website visitors pay attention to ‘sliders’?

Sliding banner images on website home pages are a popular feature – but how many site users actually look at them?

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The 15 craziest domain suffixes

Thinking of creating a new website? Want something a bit more eyecatching than or .com? We explore some of your options…

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Google’s “mobile-first indexing” explained

Had an email from Google saying “mobile-first indexing has been enabled”? Find out what this is and improve the performance of your site with some quick changes.

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A beginner’s guide to WordPress (part 2)

Tips 6-10 for beginners who want to get the most out of their Wordpress website.

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What’s the difference between a £5 website and a professional one?

It’s a good question! Exactly what benefits do you get for your money?

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A beginner’s guide to WordPress (part 1)

In this first of a two-part article, we share 10 top tips for beginners who run a Wordpress website.

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Why a website hack is more than just a technical issue

The impact of a website hack on the business, brand image and reputation can be more damaging and far-reaching than you might realise.

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Should you be using the new Google Search Console?

Our view on the pros and cons of the new version of Google’s Seach Console…

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